What Truly Makes You Happy?
Prospecting for Positivity
Mid June and we are getting closer to the official start of summer! Every season holds incredible and unique beauty. Yet, summer is often greatly anticipated. No matter where you live, summer has historically been filled with outdoor events and opportunities we often look forward to all year. While this summer is going to look very different, on so many various levels, I choose to be the optimist. This new world may hold new restrictions but it also can hold new opportunities and adventures we never imagined. Life is ever changing. How we choose to adapt and evolve is our only control over our advancement and happiness. Positive perspective is powerful. Perhaps, this is the time to recharge, refocus and regroup. An opportunity to create closer quality connections within our circles. A time to shop local, support our own communities and those within it. Staying local also enables us to lower our carbon footprint. While we may have restrictions on having physical visits, I am grateful for the technology that connects us. It is so very important to keep in touch. This is the time to think outside the box, to create beauty and joy within our world. I have created new e-card categories and many new e-cards for you to share the beauty of nature and to help you stay connected. As summer embarks upon us, please take time for yourself to enjoy the spectacular sunshine, wonderful warmth and lazy longer days.

Feature Photos
What Truly Makes You Happy?
Do you know what truly makes me happy? Anybody who knows me can tell you that I am happiest when I’m with my family, laughing and exploring. With that said I honestly can’t tell you how many times my family has rolled their eyes at me because I have gotten sidetracked behind the lens. We have a running joke, “Did you just roll your eyes out loud at me?” Those moments with my family are priceless and, as you can imagine, very documented. Family photos are like fine wine, increasing with value as they age.
My happy place also includes time behind the lens, alone. I am easily lost in my own little world, finding immense joy in capturing and creating nature based images. No matter where I am, I hold huge respect and amazement for all aspects of nature. Never do I tire of aimlessly wondering around and photographing. With my passion for nature comes the powerful and profound desire to protect it. My goal is that my images will not only bring joy but awareness. For me, time behind the lens is that opportunity to focus on and create that appreciation. My motto stands, “Create appreciation and you will create conservation”. This has always been, and will continue to be my driver.
This is just one of many parrots I was blessed to encounter. I watched this pair trade off, taking turns eating from an enormous termite nest. Dancing side to side, showing off, chirping and chattering away. They were so entertaining.
Exposure to new nature experiences delights me and creates an eager excitement within me. We will be exploring closer to home this summer. I look forward to the time when we can once again explore past our borders. Attached are more images from my last trip to Huatulco, Mexico. Every time I am gifted with new and alluring experiences. Every time I get to cross something off my list. Most importantly, every time I walk away smiling. Whatever it is that makes you happy… Do that!

Photographed with Nikon D850
ISO 400
These images, plus additional images, have been uploaded to my Animal & Botanical Gallery and my Landscape Gallery on my website for full viewing.
I hope that my images have brightened your day. Thank you for taking time from your day to read my blog. Be bold. Be imaginative. Be inspirational.
Jennifer Weaver