Summer Snaps
Keep Smiling and Stay Connected
August is that time of year when the weather allows us to get outdoors and embrace all that nature has to offer. August has been a whirl wind for me. Busy with tons of time behind the lens and opportunities to pursue my passions. This summer has been very different for most of us as we adjust to the new normal. The optimist in me has chosen to embrace the change to a slower pace and use the time to evaluate my focus, both behind the lens, and with regards to other opportunities.
Every time I click my shutter I have a goal. Some goals are as simple as capturing the beauty of nature. More often than not, it holds a secondary goal. Awareness, education or the goal of creating connection. That need to support human connection has always been a huge personal driver for me. Now more than ever I believe maintaining our connection with others is key to our mental health and well being. I sure know it is for me. Take a moment to brighten someones day; pick up the phone, shoot them a text, or send them an e-card, it can be as simple as that.
I hope you enjoy the new e-cards I have added to help you stay connected.

Feature Photos
My Limited Edition Collection has grown to over 260 plus images; my e-card collection has grown to over 150. Choosing which images to share can be a difficult decision. The images you see on my website are only a minute fraction of my collection; I truly have taken a lot of photos over my lifetime. How many is unfathomable. Remember, I have been photographing since the time of tangible film; ouch, that is dating myself. My photography museum consists of negatives, slides, and CD discs. Technology changes, but my drive and goals stay the same; capture the beauty of the world and share it with the world. In 2016 I purchased my first 4T external hard drive. Since then, I have been filling it with nature, weddings, portraits and images of our family and travel adventures. Wow! I couldn’t believe it. My drive has filled my drive. The more I photograph the more I am driven to create authentic and insightful images, to learn more. The end of August I purchased my second 4T drive; here I will house my new photography collections. I can’t wait to start filling it with new adventures.
I do not have an animal write up this month as I am working on a new and exciting project. I can’t wait to share it with you!

Photographed with Nikon D850
ISO 400
These images, plus additional images, have been uploaded to my Animal & Botanical Gallery on my website for full viewing.
Thank you for taking the time to explore with me.
Jennifer Weaver