Hindsight is 2020
Well here we are the end of 2020! Who knew what an impactful year it would be. Full of ups and downs, tears and joy. A year that would forever change our lives. I had far more time this year to wonder my property. Time behind the lens was my recharge. Time behind the lens grounded me. There, I embraced nature’s beauty and found some joy in a year like no other.
I also did something that I haven’t done in a long time. I started writing poetry again. While this started as an attempt to keep my brain busy; it resulted in a creative outlet to organize my thoughts and emotions. I am the eternal optimist. I believe that positivity creates positivity. Not to downplay the negativity that we all experienced this past year. It is that balance of positive and negative events. Each so powerful because of the other. It is with immense compassion and heartfelt respect that I hope we can all find peace within the tragedy of past year. After all…
Hindsight is 2020
Mankind was dealt an awful blow.
Hiding from an invisible foe.
Unknowns impacted our daily lives.
Trapped inside a buzzing hive.
We swarmed the malls in search of gear.
Living our lives pinned in fear.
Unsure of the misery that lied ahead.
We watched the news, counted the dead.
The daily things we took for granted,
Now replaced by rules ranted.
Emotions and confusion clogged our brains.
Economics stopped, livelihoods drained.
Amongst the chaos our perspectives grew.
Shining a light of a different hue.
A spotlight lit that focused our view.
With factories stopped, our waters were blue.
Each day presented a visual clue.
Humanity intact, an internal cue.
Within the madness clarity climbed.
This is opportunity, this is the time.
To toss aside the useless needs.
This is the time to focus our deeds.
Amazing how we helped each other.
Mother, Father, sister, brother.
Hindsight provided a valuable lesson.
There is more to life than just our profession.
It is not about the stuff we own.
It’s about the love we have in our home.
Our lives are enriched by a simple life.
Not the things which bring us strife.
To slow it down and evaluate.
For it’s the little things which make life great.
Soon we began to recognize,
the true gifts in life lie in our ties.
A friendly walk in the clear fresh air.
Time before we would never have dared.
To fill our soul with joy and passion,
suddenly was back in fashion.
Our hearts ached for those we had lost.
New beginnings often come with a cost.
May the lives we’ve lost not be in vain.
For this is about what we have gained.
Our lives enriched by this tragic shift.
An opportunity to see the gift.
To open our eyes and do the dance.
We may not get another chance.
That second chance to make it right.
Most likely will enrage a fight.
Shifting perspective from the mighty buck.
An opportunity to get unstuck.
To focus mankind in universal flight,
is not going to happen overnight.
This was the time we banned together.
Through thick and thin, in all kinds of weather.
Hindsight is 2020
Its impact was awful mighty.
Now’s the time for new beginnings.
A chance to stop the world from spinning
Polluting our planet, our minds and our souls.
This should be the global goal.
To clean the air, our thoughts and hearts;
would truly set us off the charts.
Creating a life we love to live.
Let’s hope that’s what 2020 did.
Jennifer Weaver
Feature Photo
Crystal Clear

Photographed with Olympus T4
ISO 500
Sensational Snowflakes.
Additional images have been uploaded to my website for viewing. Visit my Diverse Limited Edition Gallery or Winter E-card gallery to see more seasonal images.